
Looking for an AA or NA Meeting? We Can Help! is an all-inclusive resourse to help individuals get connected with 12-step meetings.

Call us today to find the most convenient AA or NA meeting location near you!

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Take the First Step by Calling is dedicated to helping you find the right setting to speak with like-minded individuals about the challenges you face on your journey through recovery. Our team is committed to helping you align with a group where you will feel comfortable about confronting the most common triggers, tendencies, and challenges associated with alcohol and other substances.

Our mission is to provide a resource for individuals from all over the United States seeking assistanc from a 12-step fellowship. Connect with one of our representatives today to get started. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

At, we are dedicated to connecting you with the closest 12-step meetings in your location. A member of our team is available 24 hours/day to take your call, talk about your struggles, and help guide you to start recovering. Simply call the number on our site to speak to one of our counselors to help find a meeting local to your area or to speak about other ways of confronting your addiction. Call us at 866-855-7911 to speak to a counselor now.
This is a common question. The beauty of AA meetings is that you decide what you want to share, meaning you can be as open, quiet, known, or anonymous as you please. Our experience has taught us that being open about our issues helps to advance our healing, however; we also know that everyone is their own individual and sometimes being present and a quiet listener is enough to help guide one through the process of the 12 steps.
How Does AA Help?
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.